M2U|Logistics software solution has been developed to expedite the tracking of all your company stock warehouse movements. Reception of supplier orders, client orders picking, client returns and returns to suppliers, transfers across warehouses or inventory counts, can all be made right from the warehouse on a quick and easy way. This software solution was developed like an add-on to the existing ERP, extending its scope to the warehouse, while all stock management continues to be managed by the ERP.

The flexible architecture of the solution allows a quick configuration of diferente types of documents and tasks as well as all the definitions associated, namely if it should be based on a document coming from the ERP or a document created manually.

Types of documents:

  • Supplier order receptions
  • Transfers across warehouses
  • Client order picking
  • Picking list
  • Customer return, with or without RMA control
  • Returns to suppliers
  • Inventory counting, with or without a preset list of product items to be counted
  • Supply of raw materials to production, based on a manufacturing order
  • Warehouse reception of production from manufacturing
  • Other types of documents


Scanning 1D/2D barcodes

The integrated optical scanning is based on the devices manufacturer’s SDK. This way, the application is able to fully control the reader and gather the full details on the barcodes being read. Additionally, the application is able to control GS1-128 split barcodes and instruct the user to read the remaining ones. The application supports several common barcode symbologies, namely Data Matrix and QR code.

Label printing

The software is able to print to Zebra printers, using the appropriate template for each scenario. The available templates are automatically identified based on the current document type, product, customer or supplier. The mobile solution can even create labels to identify boxes and other type of containers where the product items are to be placed and generate SSCC labels.

Online data verification

Online data access allows the user, reading a barcode, get pre-defined, customizable data information from the ERP in an online basis. Reading a EAN13 barcode, app will get product data (stocks by warehouse, prices, customized data fields or other information related to this product. Reading a container/box barcode identifier will get detailed information about product and quantities in that container, as well as related operation/document.

Reading a serial number barcode will give back information about related product/article.


Batch numbers

Batch number control over different operations allows full traceability of a product over the entire logistics chain. M2U|logistics application assures the fulfill of batch information when required by product as also information related to expire and production dates.

This information allows the control of absolute/relative expiracy date during picking processes for general or specific customers.

The identification of a product using a GS1-128 1D/2D barcode, recovers all required information to product traceability.

Serial numbers

The use of serial numbers allows a detailed monitoring of a product lifecycle. However, it requires great accuracy to achieve full traceability. The most effective way to do this is using automatic data capture, and this application is prepared to avoid most common user mistakes, when several barcodes exist in a product box, assuring the user “reads” the correct barcode and ignore invalid barcodes.

It’s possible to define in ERP the S/N to be used in each operation, so the mobile device will force the user to select this exact S/N.


Container identification

Container identification allows the possibility of, reading a container ID barcode, recover detailed document information about content of that box/palette. In other way, it’s possible for the app to create/print labels to identify containers when the products are being placed.

With M2U|Logistics mobile application, it’s possible, reading a SSCC label, recover the entire manifest of the logistic unit associated with this SSCC, recovering complete information of products inside an entire pallet, without need of disassembling it.

Printing of container/pallet labels from the application, allows during picking processes, the correct identification of that container with detailed data about customer identification, purchase order ID, delivery address, volume counter or other important information. Application can prevent the user to insert a product in the wrong box of customer destination.

Warehouse placeholder identification

Warehouse organization by pre-assigned locations, helps stowage of goods and plays an important role identifying the right location of a product for a certain quantity or expiracy date.

During the stowage of a product, M2U|logistics informs the user about the valid locations for each product and may block the user to leave the product at a wrong location (for example assuring fresh goods are stowed at certain locations or heavy products at floor level.

During picking processes, application will inform the user where exactly to go to find the right product quantity or when the product is storage in multiple locations, checking stock by location.

Location information for each movement is sent to the ERP in order to allow the ERP to manage correctly stock by location.



Fully adaptable to customer’s procedures
Flexibility is a distinguishing feature of the M2U|Logistics solution, meaning that it is very customizable and can be adapted to the business processes of each client, while remaining as a standard product with low maintenance costs and without compromising its evolution.

ERP integration
The architecture of the solution was designed to support connectivity with different ERPs, relying on the specific integration mechanisms provided by their manufacturers.
Moving2U works closely with the leading producers of management software, ensuring compatibility with new versions and product lines, as well as ensuring the integrity of the integration process and compliance with defined rules and tax regulations.
The list of supported ERPs is being extended to support more products. Please contact us to know if your ERP is already supported or if you would like us to support the ERP your company is using or developing.

PHC (Corporate, Advanced e Enterprise)
Primavera BSS V9 / V10
Eticadata ERPv18
SAP Business One® with SQL® database engine or HANA®



Wifi infra-structure
The hybrid online/offline communications model allows the user to perform most of its tasks, regardless if there is no full wireless coverage on site. The system can also run on a public mobile network.

Compatible devices
– Barcode reader enabled devices with Windows Mobile 6.x / Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5

Zebra, Motorola, Honeywell, Intermec, Datalogic …

– Barcode reader enabled devices with Android 7.x

Zebra TC2X, TC5X, MC33

– Label printers

Zebra label printers (ZPLand EPL language) with network card (wired or wireless)

Continuous development of the solution assures to our customers access* to new functionalities and also support to new devices and OS versions.

(*) Updates are available to clients under warranty or a valid software maintenance agreement